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Types of weeds

Roughly divided, there are seed weeds and root weeds. Seed weeds die almost immediately when you process them. Root weeds however have an established root where the vitality is, which means that it continues to grow after the treatment and soon rears its green leaves above ground again.
Although seed weed is easier to kill, it can be at least as big a problem as root weed. Poa annua is such an example that has a wonderful time on gravel surfaces.
They spread large quantities of seeds that constantly grow thousands of new seedlings as soon as the weather permits.

The root of the root weed, for example on couch grass and dandelions, is growing fast to reach far into the ground. They are therefore difficult to eradicate.

We are all in one way or another lazy and wish that the weeds would just disappear but that is obviously not going to happen. Without the strong chemicals that, for good reason, are no longer allowed, we all have to realize that we need to clear the weeds manually or thermally at least 4-8 times every summer to achieve a relatively weed-free surface, depending on the weather. Meaning that having easy, effective, and ergonomic tools becomes crucial.

Purjolök i rader med lite ogräs runt
Bygelhacka R10 i jorden för att rensa ogräs

Mechanical weed control

Mechanical weed control used in three ways. 
1st Cutting off the plant. When doing this, it is important to cut the plant below the growing point. Which is the point on the plant where it grows out of. If you cut the plant above the growing point the plant will continue to grow and expand. 

2nd Pulling up plants by the roots. It is the most time-consuming method when you have to do this by hand. 

3rd Cover the plants so that no light reaches them. All plants require sunlight to grow.

Thermal weed control

The fastest method is by quickly heating the weeds using a weed brurner. It's important to understand you should not actively burn the weeds away (do not start a fire that you can't control) but just sweep the flame over the weeds. The fluid in the cells expands when heated and burst the cell walls. The plant can no longer take up fluid and nutrients and dies. Some weeds die immediately after treatment, while others survive. These weeds require repeated treatment. Do not give up - be patient. 

Person som använder T30 för termisk ogräsbekämpning

The experts from this University of agriculture has this to say about it...


"Previously, almost all weed control on hard surfaces was done with chemical pesticides in Sweden. As in recent years, increased environmental awareness, has forced the use of chemical pesticides to be reduced. (...) The municipal managers rely on thermal and mechanical methods. The cost of weed control has increased dramatically, in some places to five times the original cost, not only because the alternative methods are more expensive and less effective in itself, but also because the knowledge on how to use them in many places are inadequate. "

Be sure to get the right information on heat treatment when it is the fastest method for weed control today. (Own comment)


From the "Track of growth - sustained weed control on hard surfaces".

Written by Håkan Schroeder and David Hansson, the researchers at the Agricultural University Department of Landscape and

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